
Friday, 23 April 2010

Welcome to my first blog

Welcome to my Active Play House blog. I am a wife and working mom of two wonderful daughters ages 5 months (Amelie) and 3 years (Sophie). The main purpose of the blog is to document the learning journey of my children. I enjoy playing with my daughters, seeing them learning new things through play. I am totally new to the parenting and early childhood education. I have done some research through reading books, Internet, blogs and my own experiences, finding the best way to educate them.

There are several interesting methods for teaching child:
1) Glenn Doman Method
2) Shichida Method
3) TweedleWink
4) Your Baby Can Read
5) The Little Reader/The Little Math Learning System
6) Signing Time and Baby signing Time
7) Montessori
8) Active play/ Active learning
9) Accelerated learning
10)Others method -Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf-Steiner education etc
'How children learn' by Linda Pound- This book gives a brief outline of the most child development theorists.

I want to raise a happy, confident and successful child and try to maximize her full potential. I know that my stimulation will provide my child's development with a further boost. Using the activities and ideas suggested, will enhance and extends her innate desire to learn and gives me an opportunity to make her early years more interesting, more challenging, more rewarding and of course more fun. And hopefully that's what makes a bright and dynamic child. My role is to work with my children, matching the level of stimulation to her current stage of development. Children learn through play. Play encourages creativity and imagination. Active play provides emotional learning, physical learning, development of language and spatial awareness. My active support, stimulation and encouragement will ensure that she develops into a bright child.

I hope starting this blog, will motivate me to organise different ideas and searching something new to make learning fun and also to use it again on our next daughter, Amelie. I will also share my parenting skills through what I have read, learned and experienced. As I am a working mom, I have a little time to spend with my daughters each day. Sophie enjoys going to her Montessori nursery. I make sure that I spend quality time with her each day doing some short activities. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I am not a great writer, feel free to leave comments.