
Saturday 15 May 2010

Letter Bb - Part 3

Letter Bb

More activities for Letter Bb. I gave Sophie a cardboard box and blue paint. After hand painting the box , she shouted 'Look! I am making a boat'.

It took half a day to dry up.

Amelie joined in to play and sing 'Row Row Row A Boat' 

Name recognition activity:  I used the Melissa and Doug Alphabet. Sophie enjoyed putting the pieces in the correct place and talked about each sound and the picture. I printed off her name on a A4 paper. She got to match the letters in her name.

Counting : Sophie got to stick a number of butterflies on the work sheet. We managed to do three butterflies. I used a gauze swab and plaster to make the butterfly.

Math : Number Puzzle

The Magnetic Maze Board

Play dough: Letter b for Blue

Books we had read for our letter B week

Friday 14 May 2010

Letter Bb -Part 2

Few other things we did with Letter B

She was so keen to do more of the do-a dot marker activity, I printed off some random activity sheet for her .

She played her ABC block book game

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Thursday 6 May 2010

Letter Bb - Part 1

Letter Bb (01/05/10)

This week was letter B. We were making Buzzzzy Bee. I got this idea from notimeforflashcards , you can find the detail from there.


She managed to cut out some stripes and I prepared two wings for her to glue on it.

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